


We took advantage of the fine weather today to check out first hand both the cycle lanes at the Expressway Interchange and at that hedge.

Strictly none of them can technically be considered cycle lanes as they are not marked as such; however, it’s a reasonable interpretation of the spaces marked.

The first photo shows a car intruding into the space between the lane for straight-ahead traffic and for vehicles turning southbound onto the Expressway.  It wasn’t the only one — in about 10 minutes of observation here about 40% of cars did that.  It would be a brave cyclist who would treat that as the cycle lane.

At the hedge further along which has been in the news we decided that there is plenty of room for cyclists in it, the second picture shows Geoffrey cycling along it.  There is also ample vision for cars turning into or out of Fairway Oaks. The reported comments, particularly from Mr Shirley, are extravagant and silly.

However, we feel that the owner at 82 Te Moana Road does have a legitimate basis for complaint.  The third picture shows the view of cyclists or pedestrians coming along the shoulder westbound.  Basically a car driver coming out of the driveway is not going to see a cyclist coming until it is too late.  Because of the very low speeds, a pedestrian would be OK.

The answer, as has been suggested, is a mirror extending cantilever style over the top of the shoulder, so that a car driving out of that driveway can see what might be coming.  The cost of this, probably about $2,000, should be carried by Mr Osborne, the owner of the hedge.

We also think the council should paint a broken yellow “no parking” line alongside the hedge so that no-one parks in the shoulder.
