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This afternoon we had afternoon tea with Roger, the KIN Associate Editor, in the Front Room café in Tutere Street (strictly it was afternoon cider, wheat beer and coffee. 🙂 )

We are admirers of each other’s websites and we share objectives: uncovering taxpayer rip-offs, particularly through council corruption, exposing bad management and bad managers both in government and business, fighting the poisoning of the eco-system with the vast overuse of pesticides, 1080 in particular, and the promotion of arts, culture, positive hobbies and sport.

He has been a Kapiti resident for 51 years and taught at Kapiti College for 14 of them.  Now retired, his work for the KIN website is voluntary, as is that of all the others involved with it, whether as writers or artists including editor Alan Tristram’s son who does the excellent cartoons.

Being independent and not concerned about offending advertisers, we can tackle issues that the other media are reluctant to.

He has the physique of an active sportsman, so it doesn’t surprise that sport is one of his major interests and pursuits. All of us are looking forward to a real summer with lots of outdoor activity to make up for last year. 🙂

The Kapiti Independent News website.