Like the KCDC, the GRWC comes under the provisions of the Local Government Act which states in in Section 14, among other things: “a local authority should make itself aware of, and should have regard to, the views of all of its communities.”

Whether the GWRC will take any more notice of what you or anyone has to say during the “consultation” process than the KCDC does is dubious, but if you feel so inclined here is the invitation.

GWRC“In June 2018, we adopted the Long Term Plan 2018–28(External link) (LTP 18-28) for the Wellington region, which charts a course for the next decade to keep our extraordinary region thriving, connected, and resilient.

“We’re currently planning for the 2019/20 financial year, which will see us delivering Year 2 of the LTP 18-28.

“We’re not planning any changes to our work programme for 2019/20, and we’re keeping the average [our emphasis —Eds] rates rise at 5.9% as forecasted in the LTP 2018-28. We’re on track to do the things we said we’d do.

“However, we are proposing to change the way rates are allocated for 2019/20. To ensure that rates are fair across the region for all property types, we’re proposing a differential on the general rate within Wellington City.

“This means we’re consulting on our Annual Plan 2019/20 and our draft Revenue and Financing Policy, which outlines where the funding for our work comes from.”
