from TV One News

There’s a call for a radical and fundamental rethink of parks and the grassy quarter-acre sections many Kiwis aspire to.

Auckland University of Technology’s Professor Len Gillman says it’s because of climate change.

“And most people don’t really understand how bad it’s going to get,” he said.

He’s helped write a new research paper, “Calling Time on the Imperial [our emphasis —Eds] Lawn”.

Its findings show that although lawns are often thought to capture carbon from the atmosphere, that’s not the case, once mowing, fertilising and watering are taken into account.

It says mown grass, in almost every case, is putting carbon out.

Over 20 years it could be as much as 43.9 tonnes of carbon equivalent per hectare but other estimates put it much higher.

The paper calls for change both at home and on public land, digging up any unused lawn and placing it underneath trees instead, is the answer.

“We need to be planting, we’ve got to cut emissions, that’s critical,” Gillman said.

Mown grass is “ubiquitous and everywhere”, he said.

“For example, there’s about 16 million hectares of it in the US alone, which is the size of England and Belgium combined,” he told 1News.

“Even if we planted just a third of grass in cities around the world we can absorb 6000 million tonnes of carbon dioxide over two decades, so it’s quite a lot.”

He said while lawns are desirable for many, often much of it goes unused.

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Is there any limit to Greenie nuttiness? Apparently not. However, there is a case for converting some of your lawn into a home vege patch and with the way supermarket prices are skyrocketing under this government, that is quickly becoming necessary for many.