The US Defence Threat Reduction Agency has been working in Ukraine since 2005, and been involved in the construction, modernization and operation of over a dozen biolabs suitable for storing or working with pathogens, including those used in bioweapons. Moscow has expressed deep concerns about these facilities in recent years.

Ukrainian authorities have been instructed to scrub clean evidence related to the operation of a Pentagon-funded biological warfare programme in Ukraine, Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov has said.

Official statement:

MOSCOW, March 6 – RIA Novosti. Moscow received documents from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories confirming that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukraine, in close proximity to Russian territory. This was stated to journalists by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov.“In the course of a special military operation, the facts of an emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, were uncovered” 

Original Russian text:

МОСКВА, 6 мар — РИА Новости.

Москва получила от сотрудников украинских биолабораторий документы, подтверждающие, что на Украине, в непосредственной близости от территории России, разрабатывались компоненты биологического оружия. Об этом журналистам заявил официальный представитель Министерства обороны России генерал-майор Игорь Конашенков. “В ходе проведения специальной военной операции вскрыты факты экстренной зачистки киевским режимом следов реализуемой на Украине военно-биологической программы, финансируемой Минобороны США”

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