Most users of the carpark on the westside of Countdown supermarket will have noticed that a big chunk of the grassy area adjacent to Marae Lane has now been fenced off for a few months with 2 metre high wire fences, and in that time some concrete foundations have been poured. Apart from that, not much has happened except that weeds have replaced the roses in the rose bed and must be about 40-50 cm tall.

A sign nearby stated that the facility — which we first announced back in July 2018 — was due to be completed by the end of January, but has now been replaced with one revising that to the end of March.

One day last week when we unusually spotted a couple of workmen inside the enclosure, we asked what the date for completion was. The answer was “who knows?”

Thus we suspect that the portaloos in the pic above will be in use for several weeks longer before shoppers can use whichever exciting Exeloo from their range will be available to try out.