Here’s a typical comment we get from ardent admirers of Ardern and Co. which are normally deleted as they offend our clearly stated rules: “no abuse, insults or sniping antagonism directed at our contributors, editors and other commentators.” We want discussion to be thoughtful and civilised. Usually, the paid government agents are polite and their comments make it.

Not so Jacindanistas: this shows the mentality of basic people who are clearly thoroughly indoctrinated/brainwashed by Ardern and her paid Mainstream Media–

I note with interest the anti police and anti government vitriol that you rabid anti vaxers are writing about.
However, let me reinforce what this is all about. Vaccines save lives, without them there would be hundreds of millions of people across the world dead!!
So why the anti vaccination protests? Are you scared of taking a needle even although it can help you survive?
Me thinks that you are all nutters and belong on the Russian front lines.

Has this person even bothered to read the many articles on WW and elsewhere that balance this government’s propaganda, let alone try to comprehend them? Obviously not.