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Gunn tells viewers she has received a letter from mega-wealthy Auckland law firm Simpson Grierson [known in the legal community as ‘Simply Gruesome’] accusing her of breaching the compliance orders made by the Employment Relations Authority on 6 December 2023. They headed the letter ‘Private and Confidential – Not for Publication’ [that firm’s standard heading because of the blatantly untrue statements contained in their letters, which we have previously complained to the Law Society about. Liz Gunn should also complain. —Eds].

The compliance orders allegedly required Gunn to ‘remove and make no further use of the database, the information or any other unlawfully obtained information.’

Gunn said the orders were ostensibly there to protect privacy, ‘but here’s the rub – not one name, not one single name have they been able to identify from the anonymised data that was put out.’

In any event, Gunn says the exposure of criminality by leaders is a civil duty on every citizen, which outweighs issues of privacy. “The data showed ‘criminal behaviour by our previous government in pushing these [covid shots], and our current government, in looking away from the harm they are doing.”

The letter composed by SG partner Jania Baigent goes on to give examples of alleged ‘infringing content’ and requires Gunn to take down, disable and delete it all by 4 pm on 22 April, failing which Health NZ would take further action. Non-compliance could result in the confiscation of Gunn’s equipment, three months imprisonment, or a fine up to $40,000, Baigent threatens.

A defiant Gunn asked supporters to stand with her.

In a video yesterday Kelvyn Alp of Counterspin Media vowed to upload the videos for reasons of journalistic freedom and the public’s right to know. He reiterated the fact the data was anonymised.

‘It is a sad day when journalists who should be holding these people to account are forced through compliance to remove information that is of vital interest to the public, especially when you are trying to save lives from the very criminals that are intent on taking them.’

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