
On 23 April last week Liz attempted to speak with an Radio New Zealand ‘reporter’ outside the court for the Health NZ vendetta against whistleblower Barry Young. (The trial date has been set for 28 April 2025.)

The RNZ archetype ‘reporter’ has the standard MSM dismissive attitude which now epitomises the declining New Zealand legacy media. They must know of the Ministry of Health data which gives evidence of excess deaths in NZ from the jab rollout. But they say nothing. Just watch the studied indifference, the smug eye-rolling disinterest from this person paid to sell us all the government lies.

Liz Gunn shows what journalists used to do before they were bought up by, and collapsed into, the Jacinda government and their propaganda narrative.

[Liz] Could I just ask you as a reporter, do you think we should do a story on the excess deaths here in New Zealand and our mainstream?

[RNZ Reporter] No comment.

It pretty much sums up her whole interest in the matter.