from Tucker Carlson

If the early 21st century taught us anything, it’s that the government does not care about following the law.

The NSA’s domestic spying operations proved that without a shadow of a doubt. And those programs could be just the beginning.

Our intelligence agencies’ technological capabilities are improving at high speed, while Washington’s disregard for basic civil liberties is growing more brazen. Where will this lead? Will the CIA become even more corrupt? Will drones be used against American citizens?

Former Navy SEAL and entrepreneur Erik Prince has a lifetime’s worth of insight into secret government and military programs, and he joined The Tucker Carlson Show for a wide-ranging discussion on surveillance, failed foreign wars, killer drones, and more.

This exclusive material is available to TCN members only but will be made public soon. Click the image below to watch.

The Tucker Carlson Show

Erik Prince tells Tucker:

“If you think about how many cameras [are tracking us], how much data is being constantly collected everywhere, from street cameras, from doorbell cameras, from facial recognition at the airport, privacy is really under attack.”