Amanda Smart

It was our pleasure to meet Amanda today whose studio was part of this year’s Arts Trail.  As can be seen from the examples on her promo card (below), she’s into abstract patterns and designs. It shouldn’t be too much a surprise that she is also a graphic artist and has worked with Weta Workshops in movie projects, as well as the book of the King Kong movie.

She said she was horrified with the reproduction of her sample work in the Arts Trail booklet and having been in publishing ourselves, we can well relate to the problem.  It’s quite hard to get art painting colours, let alone the impact effectively reproduced in print; something always gets lost, and an original artwork is always better than a print. Computers use a RGB colour formation process, while print uses a 4-colour CMYK process. Another factor is that computer screens have light behind the image, while print doesn’t.

Amanda’s website

Amanda Smart art.jpg