by Nicole McKee, Act MP

It’s opening weekend of duck hunting season. A time when many families, friends, club mates – get together for a weekend of outdoor activity. Traditionally nearly 55,000 people take part over this weekend alone, although the season runs for weeks through to months in different regions.

Always be vigilant when you have your shotguns out, watch where that muzzle is pointed and know your firing zone. Keep your hunting party, yourself and your dogs safe.

As you head out in the early hours of tomorrow morning, refresh on the 7 basic rules you were taught when you sat your arms licence:

🦆 ALCOHOL and firearms don’t mix. Don’t be tempted to take a brewski to the Maimai, keep them at home for the end of the day, not during it

🦆 ALWAYS treat your firearm as loaded, and don’t leave it unattended (such as in your vehicle)

🦆 CHECK YOUR FIRING ZONE, make sure others aren’t collecting their birds, and the dogs are all back before you start hunting again.

🦆 Keep your firearm pointed in a SAFE DIRECTION, especially when it is not shouldered. There’s usually more than one hunter in a maimai at any one time, so be mindful of where the muzzle is pointed.

Have fun this weekend, be safe and enjoy the outdoors with your family and friends 🦆🦆🦆.