Yasmine MohammedThere are plenty of women’s rights campaigners out there — what makes Yasmine different is given away by her surname.  She is the author of Unveiled : How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam which she had to self-publish as no mainstream publisher would touch it (they know what happened with Jyllands-Posten of Denmark and Charlie Hebdo of France, for example).

Her twitter handle is #HijabIsRapeCulture which came to the fore last year with Jacinda wearing one in public at least three times in her misguided, ignorant virtue signalling.

Listen to the interview here

In the interview she mentions the Muslim Brotherhood which began in Egypt — there has been conflict between it and the country’s rulers since the 1950s, and there is this clip below of President Nasser laughing at the Muslim Brotherhood in 1958 for suggesting that women should be required to wear the hijab and that Islamic law should be enforced across the country.

The Muslim Brotherhood has now been designated as a terrorist organisation by the Egyptian government; President El Sisi has tried to persuade President Trump to do the same in the U.S.