Although he downplays it as you would expect him to under the psychopathic Dear Leader.

Chantelle Baker comments: “I recently started a FB group to help people suffering from these specific conditions after the ‘vaccine’ and it is already at 1,000 members in just two weeks. Why the secrecy around figures? Well, the awful part is that the fatality rate for these conditions is tragically high with a year 1 mortality rate of 20% and around 50% within 10 years with myocarditis.

“This problem is far, far wider than they are saying and that is why this memo has been released. Please, please look for these symptoms, fill out your own CARM report and document every single aspect of your interaction with medical staff both via video and paperwork. Don’t shrug it off, don’t let them label you with ‘anxiety’ and reach out if you need help.”